The Information Science Student Association (ISSA) provides a forum for Dalhousie’s Master of Information (MI) students to share ideas and voice opinions, and communicate, cooperate and connect with classmates as well as the wider Faculty of Management.
We aim to promote positive supportive relations and exchange of ideas between students and faculty, as well as with other graduate students on campus and the professional community. Our goal is to provide a forum for student opinion and to create a welcoming, sociable and enjoyable learning environment for all students while attending the Department of Information Science (DIS).
In addition to representing the student body in all aspects of their educational and professional experiences in DIS, ISSA also promotes academic and social activities throughout the year such as Lunch and Learn programs and holiday and end-of-year social gatherings. ISSA holds fundraising initiatives to support these events, often with the sales of apparel, books, and baked goods.
Membership is automatically granted to full-time, part-time, and dual degree students currently registered in DIS, and elections are held annually to fill vacant positions.
Digital Land Acknowledgement
The Information Science Student Association and the servers we run our digital activities on are located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded lands of the Mi’kmaq people. ISSA acknowledges the Peace and Friendship Treaties signed in this territory and recognizes that we are all Treaty People.
We also recognize that African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies and contributions have enriched that part of Mi’kma’ki known as Nova Scotia for over 400 years. ISSA is committed to decolonizing and dismantling ongoing systems of oppression and inequity. For more information on this, please see our policy statement on EDIA.