Brown Bag Lunch – January 13

Brown Bag Lunch

This term’s first Brown Bag Lunch will take place Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 noon in the SIM Board Room. The topic is “Implementing the Primo Discovery Layer.”

Speakers include Lou Duggan (SMU Librarian) and Bill Slauenwhite (Novanet Manager).

If you are interested in academic librarianship, resources access, consortia, and/or library information systems, this talk should not be missed!

Holiday Party – December 5

holiday party

This is the event that needs no introduction… it’s simply one of the most famously fun times of the year!

End your semester with a bang at the SIMSA Holiday Party on Friday, December 5th. There will be lots of food, drink, and holiday cheer, not to mention pub favourites like trivia and karaoke! So spruce yourself up and come on down to the University Club Pub – party starts at 8:00.

Tickets are $10.00 and include a spread of appetizers, some fun activities and some great company (there is also a cash bar). All funds raised will go toward your student association and will enable more fun events! You can buy tickets from Maria Bartlett, Tam Proulx, or Hannah Steeves.

Candy Cane Grams

Buy a candy cane gram today and brighten the last week of classes for someone special. But one to say thanks, to say hello, or to bribe someone smart.

You can’t put a price on holiday cheer! But they only cost $1.00, which is a cracking deal.

You can get one from Maria in the common room, and they will be delivered next week.

American Thanksgiving Potluck – November 20

“Everyone is busy but everyone has to eat some time!” -Andrea Kampen


Join us on Thursday, November 20 at 12:00 noon in the Common Room for some good food and good company in honour of American Thanksgiving, the month of November, and the approaching holiday season.

Bring something to share (sign-up sheet is in the Common Room), bring board games (anyone? anyone?), bring a tale of woe about the semester, but definitely bring yourself.

Hope to see you there!