Practicum Info Session – October 20

ask here
This year’s Practicum Info Session will take place on Monday, October 20, from 11:45-12:45 in Rowe 3089. All incoming-year students are encouraged to attend.

The Practicum is a requirement for all students enrolled in the MLIS program. In this session, you will have the opportunity to discuss time frames, planning, and placement options.

You can find out more about the Practicum component by reading the Practicum Guide.


MLIS Career Discovery Tour – Toronto, ON

Career Discovery Tour - Toronto

On December 9 & 10, 2014, join Management Career Services in Toronto, ON for the 8th annual Career Discovery Tour!

This will be a great opportunity for MLIS students to explore a variety of different careers that will be available to you post-graduation, and will also allow you to begin creating a professional network in both public and private sector institutions. In addition to tours of potential places of employment, this tour will also include a mock interview, an alumni reception, and countless networking opportunities.

The registration deadline for the Career Discovery Tour is October 20, 2014 at 4:30pm. Enrollment is limited to 15 students and will be determined on a first come, first served basis. Students must pay a $100 refundable deposit upon registering.

More information about the Career Discovery Tour (including the registration form) can be found on the Management Career Services website.

Thanksgiving Potluck – October 9


SIMSA is pleased to announce the first annual Thanksgiving Potluck. This will be an informal lunch and will take place on Thursday, October 9, at 12:00 noon in the Common Room. Please come and enjoy some good food and company! Bring something to share – there is a sign-up sheet available.

Academic Support: Graduate-Level Writing – October 21


Rowe 4001:

On October 21 from 1:00-2:30, IM Subject Librarian Lindsay MacNiff presents the next workshop in the Academic Support Series: “Graduate Academic Writing.” This workshop will look broadly at the craft of academic writing and at some of its more technical aspects. Topics to be covered include the following:

  • Expectations of writing at the graduate level
  • process-oriented writing
  • the idea of genre
  • forming a thesis
  • organizing a paper
  • using the work of others in your writing
  • improving the clarity of your writing at the sentence level
  • paragraph construction
  • writing critically
  • common technical errors, and
  • verb tenses in academic writing
Space is limited. Please email to register.

Alumni Welcome Reception – October 8

cheersThe School of Information Management Alumni Association would like to welcome this year’s incoming students! All current and past SIM students/faculty are welcome to attend.

The reception will take place on Wednesday, October 8, from 5:30 in Rowe 2068. Light refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP to by October 1.

IM Public Lecture – October 2

Quinn Dupont

A Rational Economy? From Bitcoin to Ubiquitous Cryptography

Quinn Dupont will be presenting a free lecture on Thursday, October 2, from 1:30 – 2:30, in Rowe 1014. The PhD student from the University of Toronto studies the intersections of code, new media, philosophy, and history, with particular attention to the role of cryptography in contemporary life. Using the approaches and methodologies of critical code studies, software studies, digital humanities, and new media studies, Quinn has published on a wide range of issues.

Thursday’s talk focuses on Bitcoin and its derivatives. Collectively known as “cryptocurrencies”, these powerful technologies rely on encrypted code systems. Since the 1990’s, cypherpunks have lauded the development of cryptography as a guard against snooping and overreaching governments. Activist organizations such as Wikileaks have benefited from unstoppable, uncrackable, and decentralized funding through Bitcoin.

For more information on this and other upcoming lectures, please visit the IM Public Lecture Series website.