Our First-Year Student Spotlight for the month of March highlights Keith Macknight! Keith talks about his experience in the Master of Information program so far and his evolving interests. Your insights are compelling indeed, Keith! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.
Tell us a bit about yourself! (Name, where you are from, and what brought you to this program)
My name is Keith Macknight, and I am from St. Andrews in New Brunswick, just on the other side of the Bay of Fundy from Nova Scotia. I came into this program after working at my local archives, the Charlotte County Archives, during the early years of the Covid-19 pandemic and deciding that I wanted to move further in that field. I enjoy living a quiet life, and I try to find time to play old video games when I’m not too busy with course work.
What is your favourite thing about SIM so far?
Our course lectures and assignments have afforded us many opportunities to discuss and examine topics which feel socially relevant, such as privacy on social media or social justice topics. My academic background is in archaeology and history, and I often felt during my undergrad that I was in a sort of “bubble” that was separate from everything else going on in the world. I don’t feel that way at all in the SIM program, and I find myself to be a lot more compelled with our work because of it.
What about Information Management interests you the most? What are you looking forward to learning more about?
I want to learn more about online databases, in particular how best to structure them to make sure they are easy to use and accessible for the general public. Online databases have a lot of potential for making the information kept in archives and libraries more widely available, but if they aren’t structured well that would seriously diminish their usefulness. I’ve also become interested in topics related to data privacy and the potential of social media as a source of information, data, and many headaches.
March First-Year Student Spotlight: Keith Macknight
Our First-Year Student Spotlight for the month of March highlights Keith Macknight! Keith talks about his experience in the Master of Information program so far and his evolving interests. Your insights are compelling indeed, Keith! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.
Tell us a bit about yourself! (Name, where you are from, and what brought you to this program)
My name is Keith Macknight, and I am from St. Andrews in New Brunswick, just on the other side of the Bay of Fundy from Nova Scotia. I came into this program after working at my local archives, the Charlotte County Archives, during the early years of the Covid-19 pandemic and deciding that I wanted to move further in that field. I enjoy living a quiet life, and I try to find time to play old video games when I’m not too busy with course work.
What is your favourite thing about SIM so far?
Our course lectures and assignments have afforded us many opportunities to discuss and examine topics which feel socially relevant, such as privacy on social media or social justice topics. My academic background is in archaeology and history, and I often felt during my undergrad that I was in a sort of “bubble” that was separate from everything else going on in the world. I don’t feel that way at all in the SIM program, and I find myself to be a lot more compelled with our work because of it.
What about Information Management interests you the most? What are you looking forward to learning more about?
I want to learn more about online databases, in particular how best to structure them to make sure they are easy to use and accessible for the general public. Online databases have a lot of potential for making the information kept in archives and libraries more widely available, but if they aren’t structured well that would seriously diminish their usefulness. I’ve also become interested in topics related to data privacy and the potential of social media as a source of information, data, and many headaches