American Thanksgiving Potluck – November 20

“Everyone is busy but everyone has to eat some time!” -Andrea Kampen


Join us on Thursday, November 20 at 12:00 noon in the Common Room for some good food and good company in honour of American Thanksgiving, the month of November, and the approaching holiday season.

Bring something to share (sign-up sheet is in the Common Room), bring board games (anyone? anyone?), bring a tale of woe about the semester, but definitely bring yourself.

Hope to see you there!

Academic Support Series: Conference Posters – November 18

This month’s Academic Support Series will tackle the topic of conference posters. It will take place from 1:00 – 2:30 on November 18th in Rowe 4001.

Participants will create a simple 4′ x 6′ poster using PowerPoint. The workshop will include: setting backgrounds, inserting text (font styles and sizes), and working with images, graphs, and tables.

This is a great opportunity for any student interested in presenting research or ideas at conferences in the future. It will also be invaluable to second-year students enrolled in Management Without Borders this term!


Brown Bag Lunch: Reading Courses & Thesis Option – November 18

Brown Bag Lunch

The next Brown Bag Lunch will take place on November 18 at 12:00 noon in the Common Room. This month’s topic will explore the program’s reading courses and thesis option.

What is a reading course? How does it work, and what does it entail? What can the thesis option do for you?

Speakers include Bertram MacDonald (faculty adviser), Lee Wilson and Mark McCumber (who are pursuing a thesis), and Andrea Kampen, Ben Worth, Valerie Collins, and Gabrielle Brydges (who have completed reading courses). If you are intrigued by the opportunity to create your own course or pursue your own research, we hope to see you there!