Librarians Without Borders AGM & Elections – September 26

LwBlogoEducation, literacy, and access to information play important roles in local and international development. If you want to help narrow the gap, then Librarians Without Borders (LWB) might be the association for you. LWB is a non-profit organization focused on action-oriented projects that aid under-represented and under-developed communities worldwide.

The first LWB meeting of the year will take place on September 26 at 11:40 in the SIM Common Room. This meeting is intended to be informative for new students, and we will also be electing an Incoming Student Co-chair and Secretary. Join us!

SIMSA AGM & Elections – September 16


The Dalhousie School of Information Management Student Association (SIMSA) is hosting its annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 16, at 12:00 noon in the SIM Common Room. All SIM students are very welcome and encouraged to attend! Aside from discussing this year’s goals, we will also be electing two incoming student positions:

  • Incoming Year Representative
  • Assistant Digital Publications Officer

You can find out more about the open SIMSA positions here.

We will also hold elections for the School Committees, including

  • One returning student for the Admissions & Scholarships Committee
  • One returning student for the Appointments, Promotions & Tenure Committee
  • One incoming student for the Curriculum Committee
  •  A number of students for the Petitions & Grievances Committee
  • One incoming and one returning student for the School Council

You can find more information about the School Committees here.

We welcome nominations from all SIM students, and interested students are also encouraged to nominate themselves! The meeting will follow Robert’s Rules and the elections will take place via secret ballot. Please contact us with any questions.

Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students (DAGS)


The Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students (DAGS) is an umbrella organization that has represented graduate students at Dalhousie University for over 30 years, acting as an advocate of graduate students at the local, provincial, and national levels. It is also the owner of The Grad House Social Club.

DAGS’ Board of Directors is made up of nine Dalhousie graduate students. New Board Members are elected or appointed every winter term, and take office May 1st.

The 2014-2015 Board of Directors includes:

Jim Boyle, President (
Mahbubur Rahman, Vice-President (Academic Affairs) (
Vishwa Patel, Vice-President (External Advocacy) (
Scott Read, Operations Officer (
Andrew Bucci, Graduate Student Senator (
Shalendra Panwar, Director of Architecture, Planning, Computer Science and Engineering (
Jessica Stark, Director of Arts, Social Sciences, Journalism, Law and Management (
Lisa Fisher, Director of Health Professions (
Sean Aitken, Director of Medicine and Science (

For more information, please visit

The School of Information Management Student Association (SIMSA)


The School of Information Management Student Association (SIMSA) is a ratified society representing all students in the School of Information Management. Its goal is to foster connections between students in the program and in other graduate program at Dalhousie, between SIM associations, and between students and faculty.

Besides planning fundraisers, Orientation, and social events, SIMSA also fosters connections between students and professionals by supporting the Brown Bag Lunch and Public Lecture Series, the Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (DJIM), and the annual Information Without Borders (IWB) Conference.

The 2014-2015 Executive Members are:

Andrea Kampen, Co-Chair
Ben Worth, Co-Chair
Megan O’Brien, Communications Officer
Lee Wilson, Financial Officer
Valerie Collins, Vice-Chair (Academic)
Maria Bartlett, Vice-Chair (Non-Academic)
Alieda Blandford, Digital Publications Officer
Hilary Lynd, Information Without Borders (IWB) Conference Chair

In September 2014, three positions on the executive will need to be filled, include the Incoming Year Representative, the Outgoing Year Representative, and the Digital Publications Assistant (you can review descriptions of the open positions here). These positions entail a time commitment of at least one meeting per month. However, we are always looking for casual volunteers to help with functions throughout the year.

Elections will take place during the General Meeting on September 16th at 12:00 (noon) in the SIM Common Room.

You can contact SIMSA at for more information.


The Special Libraries Association (SLA)

Seed Library
Photo by Marlo Mckay, Dalhousie Libraries

The Dalhousie Student Chapter of the Special Libraries Association aims to provide networking and professional development opportunities for students interested in the special library field. This encompasses a huge array of libraries, from government departmental libraries, to small unique libraries, to special collections, and so much more.

The Dalhousie Student Chapter of the SLA organizes networking events, excursions, workshops, panel discussions, and tours of special libraries in the Halifax area.

The 2014-2015 Executive Members are:

Carlisle Kent – Co-Chair
Valerie Collins – Technical Co-Chair
Kaitlin Haley – External Communications Co-Chair
Tamara Proulx – Internal Communications Co-Chair
Alyssa Dawson – Treasurer
This is a great way to get involved without stretching your calendar, as time commitment is moderate. You do not have to be a member of the Special Libraries Association to attend SLA events.  For more information or to get involved in the SLA, come to the first meeting in September (TBA) where there will be a quick intro, discussion of the open positions, and then an election. Members of the SLA will also be at the Associations Display during Orientation Week. You can also visit the Dalhousie SLA website or e-mail Carlisle Kent at for more information.

The Canadian Library Association (CLA)

CLA logo The Dalhousie Student Chapter of the Canadian Library Association is comprised of members who are currently pursuing their Masters of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) degree at Dalhousie University’s School of Information Management (SIM).

The Canadian Library Association is the national association that represents those who work in or advocate for Canada’s estimated 21,000 libraries. CLA members work in college, university, public, special (corporate, non-profit, and government), and school libraries. Members also sit on boards of public libraries, work for companies that provide goods and services to libraries, or are students in graduate level or community college programs.

You do not have to be a member of the Canadian Library Association (CLA) to attend general meetings, or to participate in events or programs. However, if you wish to become a member of the Dalhousie CLA Student Chapter, you must become a member of the CLA.

The 2014-2015 Executive Members are:

Megan O’Brien & Jennie Thompson (Co-chairs)
Heather Reid (Secretary)
Heather Campbell (Treasurer)

In Fall 2014, CLA will be looking to fill two (2) First Year Representative positions.

You can contact or visit for more information.