The Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (DJIM) is a student-led initiative aimed at publishing Dalhousie graduate student work of the highest quality and significance in all areas of management.
We accept submissions from students of every discipline within the Faculty of Management, and our Executive Members hail from all four schools. This makes us one of the most diverse associations in the FoM, and we are very proud of this distinction. Furthermore, DJIM’s publication process is governed and executed almost entirely by students. A new volume of the Journal is launched each spring, and for most of our authors, it is the first time their work has been published in an academic journal.
If you are interested in interdisciplinary projects and working with people outside of DIS, DJIM is for you! There are a variety of Executive positions that cater to different skill sets. DJIM also offers many volunteer opportunities for peer reviewers and copy editors — experiences that make a great addition to any resume. DJIM is a highly collaborative project, and the Executive meets 1-2 times each month to ensure the behind the scenes work is running smoothly. In the lead-up to publication, we host recruitment events and workshops for peer reviewers and copy editors. Additionally, we celebrate each volume’s publication with an official launch event, during which a selection of authors speak about their submissions, we hear from some of our faculty, and we eat delicious food!
The Executive:
- DJIM Chair: TBD
- Co-Chair: TBD
- Communications Officer: TBD
- Technical Officer: TBD
- PR Officer: TBD
- Editorial Officers: TBD
- Faculty Advisor: Philippe Mongeon
Please feel free to contact us at djim@dal.ca with any questions. You can also find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DJIMDalhousie and at https://ojs.library.dal.ca/djim.