The objectives of the Dalhousie Library and Information Alumni Association (DLIAA) are to advance the interests of the library and information management professions, particularly education for librarianship; provide a forum for the opinion of SIM/DIS alumni; promote communication and cooperation between alumni, current students, and current faculty; promote the best interests of the Dalhousie Department of Information Science (DIS); and to promote the professional objectives and interests of the individual members of DLIAA.
Any person who has received a Master of Library Services, Master of Library and Information Studies, Master of Information, or a Master in Information Management degree from Dalhousie University is automatically a member of DLIAA with all of the rights of full membership.
The Alumni Association comprises an executive body including a Chair, Vice-Chair, Past Chair, Program Convenor, Executive Secretary, and Member-at-large. Elections occur on an annual basis and we hold an Annual General Meeting each summer.
The Alumni Association presents the Outstanding Alumni Award (OAA) each year to honour a member who has made an outstanding contribution to Library and/or Information Management. In selecting the winner of this award, DLIAA seeks to honour remarkable records of professional responsibility, scholarship and publishing, innovation and leadership, service to our professional community and to the community-at-large. All of this, along with a demonstrated healthy dose of enthusiasm, commitment and dedication to our field are characteristic of our alumni!
Learn more about the OAA here:
Find information about DLIAA on the DIS website:
Get in touch through email:

Nathaniel Smith
The Chair conducts the general business of the Associated Alumni and chairs executive and general meetings (

Maddie Hare
Vice Chair
The Vice-Chair acts in the absence of the Associated Alumni Chair and and is nominated for chair at the end of the term. They also chair the nomination committee. (

Jill Liu
Past Chair
The Past Chair acts as an advisor to the Associated Alumni Executive, serves as the Associated Alumni’s representative on the Dalhousie Alumni Association’s Board of Directors and assists the Vice-Chair in the work of the Nominations Committee. (

Kristy Hancock
Program Convenor
The Program Convener makes arrangements for the Associated Alumni’s functions, such as the Alumni Welcome Reception, and acts as a liaison between the Associated Alumni and the Information Science Student Assocation (ISSA).

Ann Barrett
Executive Secretary
The executive secretary records the proceedings of all general and executive meetings, and conducts the correspondence of the Associated Alumni.

Marc Harper
The Member-at-Large coordinates and oversees special projects and initiatives as defined annually by the executive and provides assistance in conducting DLIAA affairs.