Greater transparency is needed in the realm of pharmaceutical drugs. The current policy focus is on disclosing more information about the safety and effectiveness of drugs. But to be effective, transparency must serve another purpose – namely, of enabling standard setting through a more participatory, public model of drug regulation. I turn to the history of Canadian drug regulation to demonstrate that such a conception of transparency is not only possible, but increasingly needed. I argue that tying transparency to a revitalized concept of fraud in drug research and development might help activate more participatory, public regulatory work.
Matthew Herder is an associate professor in the Faculties of Medicine and Law at Dalhousie University. He holds three law degrees from Dalhousie and Stanford University’s Law School. His research centres around biomedical innovation policy, with a particular focus on intellectual property law and practices connected to the commercialization of scientific research. He is currently the Principal Investigator on a three year CIHR operating grant. He has been commissioned to write reports and appear as an expert witness before key national and international institutions, including the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development and, most recently, two Canadian Parliamentary committees, which contributed to the most important changes to Canada’s Food and Drugs Act since the thalidomide disaster of the 1960s.
The Information Management Public Lectures give attention to exciting advances in research and professional practice. The topics are diverse reflecting the importance and global extent of Information Management in today’s society. The lectures are open to all members of the Dalhousie campus and surrounding community. When feasible, recordings of the lectures are posted here for wider circulation. For the full schedule, visit the Public Lecture page of the SIM website.
Lecture Details
Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 from 12:00-1:00pm
Room 3089, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building, 6100 University Avenue