The Dalhousie Student Chapter of the Special Libraries Association aims to provide networking and professional development opportunities for students interested in the special library field. This encompasses a huge array of libraries, from government departmental libraries, to small unique libraries, to special collections, and so much more.
The Dalhousie Student Chapter of the SLA organizes networking events, excursions, workshops, panel discussions, and tours of special libraries in the Halifax area.
The 2014-2015 Executive Members are:
Carlisle Kent – Co-Chair
Valerie Collins – Technical Co-Chair
Kaitlin Haley – External Communications Co-Chair
Tamara Proulx – Internal Communications Co-Chair
Alyssa Dawson – Treasurer
This is a great way to get involved without stretching your calendar, as time commitment is moderate. You do not have to be a member of the Special Libraries Association to attend SLA events. For more information or to get involved in the SLA, come to the first meeting in September (TBA) where there will be a quick intro, discussion of the open positions, and then an election. Members of the SLA will also be at the Associations Display during Orientation Week. You can also visit the Dalhousie SLA website or e-mail Carlisle Kent at carlisle.kent@dal.ca for more information.