I see you shiver with antici-
SIMSA is excited for the spooktacular month ahead! We kicked off October with a frightful version of Waffle Wednesday. Our Halloween party will be held Friday, October 28th 11am – 1pm at the School of Information Management. Come out for a gourd time, if you dare. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us for pizza, pumpkin-painting, and satisfying their candy cravings! Costumes are encouraged!

For students new to the east coast, or just looking for some spooky activities this month, check out the following list:
- Robiescope at Good Robot (Movie screenings at the brewery): https://allevents.in/halifax/robiescope-evil-dead/200023419288235?ref=eventlist-cat
- Propeller Arcade outdoor double feature (October 30th): https://drinkpropeller.ca/pages/propeller-arcade (buy tickets in person at Propeller Arcade)
- RiverBreeze Haunted Corn Maze: https://www.riverbreeze.info/fear
- Bluenose Ghosts Festival (Alderney Landing): https://www.bluenoseghostsfestival.ca/
- Citadel Ghost Tour: https://www.halifaxcitadel.ca/services/the-halifax-citadel-ghost-tour.html
- Halifax Ghost Walk: https://www.novascotia.com/see-do/tours/halifax-ghost-walk/7926
We hope this helps you plan some ghoulish fun this month- see you all on the 28th.