Standing Committees


The Admissions Committee provides advice on admissions policies and practices, recruiting activities, and the awarding of scholarships.

Appointments, Promotion and Tenure

Meetings of the Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee are held whenever particular School matters require consideration and decision.


The Curriculum Committee develops and evaluates the curriculum to ensure that it is meeting the goals and objectives of the Program.

Petitions & Grievances

This Committee is formulated as the need arises to hear student petitions and grievances on all procedural academic matters relating to academic standards, course requirements, examinations and other evaluative procedures, grades, pass requirements, advancement requirements, etc.

All terms are for one year (September 1-August 31).

School Council

The School Council is the policy-making body for the School, and is responsible for establishing the terms of reference of each Standing or Special Committee and receiving reports from committees and approving matters of policy relating to the School and its programs. Meetings are held at least once yearly, at the end of the Winter Term.

Membership in the School Council includes:

i. all full-time faculty
ii. all part-time faculty who teach on a regular basis and who are appointed by the Board of Governors
iii. professors emeriti
iv. the MLIS Program/Graduate Coordinator
v. the MIM Academic Director
vi. three students from the MLIS or MIM programs (one incoming student, one returning student, and a Co-Chair of the Students’ Association)
vii. the Chair of the Associated Alumni

A non-voting observer is appointed by the Canadian Library Association to represent the Association. The Council is chaired by the Director of the School, and the Program/Graduate Coordinator acts as Secretary.