Update: The lecture was recorded, and is now available to watch on Youtube!
Lecture Details
Monday, January 23, 2017
Paul O’Regan Hall, Halifax Central Library
Free, open to the public
The 2017 Dalhousie-Horrocks lecture, featuring Monique Woroniak (of the Winnipeg Public Library), will be titled “Beyond Colonialism? Libraries for a Canada We Don’t Yet Know” and take place Monday, January 23rd at 4pm at the Halifax Central Library.
Abstract: Reconciliation. Relationships. Restitution. All three are on the minds of public institutions following the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action. But where and how to begin? As institutions that support learning, libraries are uniquely suited to engage with—and model—responsible practices that take direction from Indigenous peoples, both locally and nationally. A leader in the area of library services with Indigenous peoples, Monique Woroniak will consider how libraries can best position themselves to be relevant for a country reconsidering its foundations.
For more details please see the Faculty of Management’s page for the lecture here.