Spotlight on Student Research

- Left to right: SIMSA Vice-Chair (Academic) Valerie Collins, DJIM Co-Chair Carlisle Kent, APLA Past President Louise White.
SIM students took the annual Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) conference by storm in Moncton, NB last week.
Valerie Collins presented her paper on “Social Media and Scientific Communication,” a collaborative project she completed as part of a reading course with Lou Duggan, Dr Anatoliy Gruzd, and Dr Bertram MacDonald. Their research explored how the dissemination of scientific information has evolved from the Age of Reason to the Information Age.
Carlisle Kent presented “Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction,” a collaborative project she completed with Maria Bartlett, Andrea Kampen, and Hilary Lynd as part of the INFO 5520 (Research Methods) course, supervised by Dr Mike Smit. Their research investigated issues surrounding the meaning, perception, and experience of visual art in the digital age.
If you attended the 2014 Information Without Borders (IWB) Conference at Dalhousie, then you may be familiar with Marc Harper‘s work concerning the human rights issue of information access in North Korea. “Information access: a study of the potential for an information revolution in North Korea” was a presentation that tapped into Marc’s personal experiences in Asia.
Gayle Graham explored the role of publication in the spread of misinformation in her project, “The Halifax Explosion and the Spread of Rumour, 1917 to the Present.“
Mingyue Chen presented a pilot study of international students’ online health seeking behaviours, where she investigated barriers to finding health information for international students.
Finally, James Ross explored the dissemination of information in an environmental context in “What do users want in a State of the Environment report? A study of the State of the Scotian Shelf Report.“
You can read more about the Spotlight on Student Research here.
Check out the Twitter discussion generated by student research at the APLA conference using the hashtag #InfoStudies.