The School of Information Management Student Association (SIMSA) is a ratified society representing all students in the School of Information Management. Its goal is to foster connections between students in the program and in other graduate program at Dalhousie, between SIM associations, and between students and faculty.
Besides planning fundraisers, Orientation, and social events, SIMSA also fosters connections between students and professionals by supporting the Brown Bag Lunch and Public Lecture Series, the Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (DJIM), and the annual Information Without Borders (IWB) Conference.
The 2014-2015 Executive Members are:
Andrea Kampen, Co-Chair
Ben Worth, Co-Chair
Megan O’Brien, Communications Officer
Lee Wilson, Financial Officer
Valerie Collins, Vice-Chair (Academic)
Maria Bartlett, Vice-Chair (Non-Academic)
Alieda Blandford, Digital Publications Officer
Hilary Lynd, Information Without Borders (IWB) Conference Chair
In September 2014, three positions on the executive will need to be filled, include the Incoming Year Representative, the Outgoing Year Representative, and the Digital Publications Assistant (you can review descriptions of the open positions here). These positions entail a time commitment of at least one meeting per month. However, we are always looking for casual volunteers to help with functions throughout the year.
Elections will take place during the General Meeting on September 16th at 12:00 (noon) in the SIM Common Room.
You can contact SIMSA at simsa@dal.ca for more information.